Splunk search for Splunk web users

index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access [ rest / splunk_server=local | fields splunk_server | rename splunk_server as host ] | bin _time span=1d | stats count by date_hour _time | appendpipe [ fields _time | dedup _time | eval date_hour=mvrange(0,24,1) | eval count=0 | mvexpand date_hour ] | stats sum(count) as count by date_hour _time | stats avg(count) as avg by date_hour | eval avg=round(avg) | sort date_hour | rename date_hour as "Hour of the day", avg as "Average hits on Splunk Web"
This Splunk search will provide a chart showing the number of times Splunk web was accessed by hour of the day. The results of this search are best viewed as a line chart or a column chart. This search can be helpful for identifying when Splunk is being most utilized.


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