Splunk search for Details of scheduled searches
index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler result_count | stats avg(result_count) min(result_count) max(result_count), sparkline avg(run_time) min(run_time) max(run_time) sum(run_time) values(host) AS hosts count AS execution_count by savedsearch_name, app | join savedsearch_name type=outer [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | fields title eai:acl.owner cron_schedule dispatch.earliest_time dispatch.latest_time search | rename title AS savedsearch_name eai:acl.app AS App eai:acl.owner AS Owner cron_schedule AS "Cron Schedule" dispatch.earliest_time AS "Dispatch Earliest Time" dispatch.latest_time AS "Dispatch Latest Time"]| rename savedsearch_name AS "Saved Search Name" search AS "SPL Query" app AS App | makemv delim="," values(host) | sort - avg(run_time) | table "Saved Search Name", App, Owner, "SPL Query", "Dispatch Earliest Time" "Dispatch Latest Time" "Cron Schedule" hosts, execution_count, *(result_count), sum(run_time) *(run_time), sparkline | rename sparkline as Trend, min(run_time) as "Min Run Time", max(run_time) as "Max Run Time", avg(run_time) as "Avg Run Time", min(result_count) as "Min Results", max(result_count) as "Max Results", avg(result_count) as "Avg Results", execution_count as "Times Run", sum(run_time) as "Total Time Spent"
This Splunk search will provide detailed output on all scheduled searches. The search outputs details on the schedule of the searches, their run time, when they have been run, the SPL for the search, and more. In order to run the search you must have access to the internal index.