Splunk search for Size of KV Store Collections
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/-/storage/collections/config | fields title eai:acl.owner eai:acl.app | where !match(title,"\.mlmodel") | rename eai:acl.* as * | map [ | inputlookup $title$ | foreach * [ | eval b_<<FIELD>>=len(<<FIELD>>) + 1 ] | addtotals b_* fieldname=b | stats sum(eval(b/1024/1024)) as mb | eval name="$title$", owner="$owner$", app="$app$" ] maxsearches=1000
Will return information on all KV Store collections. Will show the name, owner, app, and approximate size in megabytes of KV store collections that you have read access to and are visible within the app context you run it within.