Splunk search for Detecting Log4J jndi Vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228) (Log4Shell)
[ | tstats count where index=* AND punct IN ("*${*","*$%*") earliest=-7d latest=now by index, sourcetype
| fields - count
| format ] AND (((punct=*$* AND punct=*:*) OR (punct=*%*)) AND ("*${*" OR "*%24{*" OR "$%7B*" OR "*%24%7B*"") AND ("//" OR "%2F%2F" OR "/%2F" OR "%2F/") )
| eval decoded_raw = urldecode(_raw)
| regex decoded_raw="\$\S*?{\S*?j[A-Za-z:\-\$[]]*?n[A-Za-z:\-\$[]]*?d[A-Za-z:\-\$[]]*?i[^\s\/]*//.*"
This search will detect attempted exploits of the CVE-2021-44228 Log4J jndi Vulnerability. Note that this search only works on sourcetypes that have the punct field. If you have sourcetypes with no punct field you will need to manually add those indexes and sourcetypes to the search.
fbrizzi | March 2023
correct: [| tstats count where index=* AND punct IN ("*${*","*$%*") earliest=-1mon latest=now by index, sourcetype | fields - count | format ] AND (((punct=*$* AND punct=*:*) OR (punct=*%*)) AND ("*${*" OR "*%24{*" OR "$%7B*" OR "*%24%7B*"") AND ("//" OR "%2F%2F" OR "/%2F" OR "%2F/") ) | eval decoded_raw = urldecode(_raw) | regex decoded_raw="$S*?{S*?j[A-Za-z:-$[]]*?n[A-Za-z:-$[]]*?d[A-Za-z:-$[]]*?i[^s/]*//.*"