Splunk search for Listing all ITSI KPIs

| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/service fields="title,_key,kpis"  | spath input=value path={} output=svcs | mvexpand svcs  | fields - value  | spath input=svcs path=kpis{} output=kpis  | spath input=svcs path=title output=service_title  | spath input=svcs path=kpis{} output=kpi | fields - svcs, kpis  | mvexpand kpi  | spath input=kpi path=search_type output=search_type  | spath input=kpi path=type output=type  | spath input=kpi path=title output=kpi_title  | spath input=kpi path=base_search output=base_search  | spath input=kpi path=base_search_id output=base_search_id  | spath input=kpi path=_key output=search_id  | search type!=service_health  | fields service_title kpi_title search_type base_search_id search_id base_search 
This Splunk search will use the Splunk ITSI REST API to grab and list all KPIs that have been created within ITSI. The search will output the service title, kpi title, search type (ad hoc or kpi base search), and more.




ITSI kpi rest

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